Projects: Computer Vision
DST Project on Features for 3D applications (Dec 2012 - Dec 2014)

- CoMaL: Corners on Maximally-stable Level line segments, Swarna Kamlam Ravindran and Anurag Mittal, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2016. [Bibtex] [PDF] [Code]
- The performance of the feature detection and matching modules were significantly improved at the object boundary regions, useful in applications such as Vehicle Tracking and Structure from Motion.
- Traditional gradient-based features fail at depth discontinuities due to object motion against a varying background. Our features work on the curve describing the object leading to more accurate tracking.
- The project was funded by the Department of Science and Technology, Govt of India.
DRDO Project on Features for Surveillance (Dec 2009 - Dec 2010)

- A feature detector using a probabilistic combination of stable extremal regions incorporated into a 3D reconstruction system yielded over 15% improvement over existing methods for surveillance.
- Mosaicing and Contour detection software were implemented by using shape geometry to achieve scale invariance.
- The project was for the Defense Research and Development Organisation.
- Scale-invariant curve-based features for tracking under varying backgrounds, Swarna Kamlam Ravindran and Anurag Mittal, Tech Report, DRDO
- CMSER: Combined MSERs for better feature matching, Swarna Kamlam Ravindran and Anurag Mittal, Tech Report, DRDO.
3D Face Recognition, (Dec 2008 - May 2009)

- 3D Face Recognition system using a Local Shape Descriptor, Swarna Kamlam Ravindran and Sumithra G, International Symposium on Computing, Communication, and Control (ISCCC) 2009.
- Designed a face recognition system using a descriptor formed as a 2D histogram of distances between points near a landmark point to the corresponding tangent plane. Experiments were performed on range images of six subjects with varying illumination.